
Monday, January 2, 2012

Teacher Tools Part I

Welcome back after our wonderful break. This week’s links are about
tools and links to make your life as an educator a little easier and not
spend so much time on school activities and spend more time with
your family. I hope you can find something that will enhance your teaching.

1. Collaborative teaching tools. This is a blog post that has many links that will link you
to the online tool. Some of these you will be able to use on the Mimeo.

2. Top 10 sites for educational apps. While we don’t have pads on our campus, many teachers have their own devices at home so I included this link for those who do have their own pads.

3. Symbaloo If you don’t keep track of your links yet or put them all on your website,
here is yet another way to keep track of the links you like. There is a post here of a
kindergarten teacher who explains how he manages 2 accounts. One for the master
account and one for the students.

4. Print Friendly &PDF-Have you ever wanted a copy of a website and the website
wouldn’t let you print it or save it? Well, this site will let you do that. Just put in the
URL and then it magically is able to print, put in PDF format or email it to yourself.

5. Apps for Professional Development– Here is a link that will take you to a blog that
has many links to explore. Some of the links I have put in previous clicks. I have a
friend who says if you see it two or three times it’s a sign you need to use it.

6. Bonus: Online stickers-Just another way to keep track of information.

I hope you can find something you can use in this newsletter. If you do, please make a comment.

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